Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Topic: -“ English For Specific Purposes”by Tony-Dudley-Evans

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Name:- Vala Jyotsna Tanshukhbhai

Semester: - 3

Roll no: - 33

Enrollment No: - PG15101042

Year: - 2016-17

Paper No: -12

Paper Name: - ELT

Topic: -“ English For Specific Purposes”by  Tony-Dudley-Evans

English For Specific Purposes”

Image result for Tony-Dudley-Evans

English for specific purposes (ESP) has for about 30 years 
been a separate branch of English Language Teaching. It 
has developed its own approaches, materials and 
methodology and is generally seen as a very active,even   
'feisty' movement that has had considerable over the 
more general activities of TESOL and applied linguistics.

English has became the internationally accepted 
language of almost all the fields of knowledge. Depending 
on their specific needs and requirements,s new learners 
who knew specifically why need English are created. In 
some cases people with inadequate proficiency in English 
need to be taught to handle specific jobs. To fulfill the 
needs of these new learners new specific courses were 
designed introduced. ESP is one of these specific courses.

From early 1960's, ESP has emerged as one of the major 
areas of EFL teaching today. Various universities across 
the globe are offering a number of ESP courses nowadays.  
EXAMPLES :- English for Chemists, English for 
Educationists, English for Advertisements, English for 
Media, etc.

Image result for Tony-Dudley-Evans

Aspect of ESP – 1). Teaching
                                                    2). Materials production
                                                    3). Text- analysis


Dictionary meaning of ESP :-

The supposed ability to perceive to events and 
information by means other than the physical sense”.

ROBINSON define ESP as.......
                                        “ Goal Directed”

HUTCHINSON and WATERS (1975) says......
ESP is an approach rather than a product”

Mackay and Mountford 1975 define ESP as the 
teaching of English for a “ Clearly utilitarian 

ESP is an approach to teaching”.
ESP is an attitude of mind”.

Definition of ESP

Image result for Tony-Dudley-Evans

ESP is a term that refers to teaching or studying 
English for a particular career or for business in 
general. ESP not to be confused with specialized 
English,is a spher of teaching English language 
including Business English, Technical English, 
Scientific English, English for Art purposes, etc.

The role of English in a language course of 
programm of instruction in which the content aims 
of the course are fixed by the specific needs of a 
particular group of learners.

Characteristic of English for Specific Purposes 

ESP is defined in the term of its absolute and 
variable characteristic by Tony Dudley Evens.

Absolute Characteristics
  • Meets specific needs of learners.
  • Make use of underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves.
  • Is centered on the language appropriate to these activities in terms of grammar, lexis, study skill, discourse and genre.

Variable Characteristics
  • May be related to or designed for specific disciplines.
  • May use in particular situation, different methodologies from general English.
  • Is likely to be designed for intermediate and advanced students.
  • Most of the ESP courses assume some basic knowledge of the systems.


As with most branches of TESOL and applied linguistics, 
ESP if often divided up into various categories with 
mysterious acronyms.

Tony-Dudley-Evans use two categories in ESP :-

1). English For Academic purposes (EAP).
2). English For Occupational purposes (EOP).

  • EGAP – English for general academic purposes
  • ESAP – English for specific academic purposes
  • EGBP – English for general business purposes
  • ESBP – English for specific business purposes
  • CBI – Content – based instruction
  • EVP – English for vocational purposes.


Beyond Needs Analysis :-

1). Target situation analysis
2). Learning situation analysis
3). Present situation analysis
4). Means analysis.

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Image result for Tony-Dudley-Evans

Chambers's 1980 This is generally called target 
situation analysis.

ESP's Stap :- 1. Initial Analysis
                                    2. Detailed Analysis
                                        - Learners
                                        - Level in English
                                        - Weakness in language
                                        - Skill needs
                                        - Learner's perception of their needs.

The Three Features Common To ESP

1. Authentic materials
2. Purpose – related orientation
3. Self – direction.

Principles of English for specific purposes 
  • Authenticity
  • Research Base
  • Learning Needs
  • Learning/Mathodology.

Some Of the Qualities of ESP as one of the ELT 

  • ESP has specific needs
  • ESP hascontent related materials
  • ESP is centered on particular language function, kill...
  • ESP is learner – centered

ESP is perceived as relevant by the learners.


English for specific purposes as an approach that is 
based on the learner's needs, and his expectations 
behind learning language. To make it clear, we will 
just mention the guiding principle of ESP, which is “ 
tell me what you need English for,and i will tell you 
the English that you need”.


Dudley-Evens, Tony(1998). Developments in English for Specific purposes: A multi- disciplinary approach. Cambridge Universiry Press. (Forthcoming).

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